An impatient motorist was caught on dash cam recently risking their own life just to pass a semi truck.

The video was submitted to LiveTrucking by reader Jonathan Beck and was recorded on Highway 20 in California.

“Here’s a disclaimer. My phone was falling off my dash mount. I picked it up and threw it on my seat a couple times. That’s why my reflection was on the windshield,” said Beck of the video.

In the clip, a pickup can be seen speeding up from behind in the opposite lane of traffic, overtaking the big rig and passing it before jumping back into the oncoming lane of traffic and passing a second vehicle.

“Be patient. I’ve seen too many accidents. Is it really that bad being behind us?” Beck wrote of the accident.

“I’m tired of seeing fatalities. And buy a Dashcam if you don’t have one already…”

Check out the clip below.