A heroic trucker was able to save the life of a young girl in San Antonio on Monday after the child got stuck in rushing floodwaters caused by heavy rain.

The rescue happened on the afternoon of July 9th in San Antonio, Texas.

According to Kens 5 News, the 13 year old unnamed girl and one of her friends were playing in a drainage ditch when suddenly she was swept away by the current, pulling her into a concrete culvert and pinning her against a pillar of a bridge behind a Walmart on the northwest side of San Antonio.

Just then, trucker Brandon Beale happened to be passing by in the Walmart parking lot and noticed the child stranded in the flood so he went straight to work figuring how to get her out.

“I was looking for straps, looking for anything to lower down to maybe tie her up,” Beale said.

“I ended up using one of these hoses [sic] and lowered it to the girl, who tied it around her waist.”

As Beale lowered his rig’s air lines down to the girl, other passersby, and several Walmart employees came over to help in the rescue. A Walmart employee tried to lower a ladder down into the current, but it proved to be too short, and the group opted to just hoist the girl up with the makeshift rope.

“We just told her to hold on for dear life and then we just pulled her up,” Beale said.

Luckily, the girl was unhurt in the incident.

Since the rescue, Walmart has issued a statement mentioning how “proud” they are of the trucker, passersby, and Walmart employees for stepping in to help the girl.