An apparently unaware truck driver damaged at least 20 vehicles on Tuesday after a large tree branch got stuck between his cab and trailer, raking against the vehicles parked along the roadway.
The incident happened on June 19th at approximately 10:55 p.m. in Queens, New York City, New York.
Police say that the 36-year-old unnamed truck driver was driving along 14th Avenue in Whitestone when he grazed a tree, getting a branch lodged between the cab and trailer of his truck. The driver, who was apparently unaware of the branch and of the fact he was driving with a headlight out, continued driving, dragging the branch against the cars parked along the roadway, damaging their mirrors, windows, and paint.
Luckily, no injuries were reported according to New York CBS Local.
“Everybody’s mirrors, he messed everything up and then he just kinda went around the corner and went on his way,” said a resident who witnessed the incident.
“It stinks that a lot of the truck drivers in the area keep going through the side streets,” he continued.
“They should probably be on the larger roads.”
The driver was eventually stopped by local police and was issued two summonses for driving without headlights and leaving the scene of the accident.