A truck driver’s Facebook video discussing the effects that she believes the ELD mandate will have on the general public has gone viral on social media.

The video was streamed to Facebook by truck driver Daisy Delaney on Wednesday, December 12th and has since gained almost 10,000 views.

In the video, Delaney explains how although the new rules only apply to truck drivers, the effects of the ELD mandate will be widespread.

“It’s gonna be a snowball effect,” Delaney says.

“For example, do you like rodeos? Do you barrel race or are your kids in FFA? Well, if your truck weighs 10,000 pounds and your trailer weighs 16,000 pounds… under the new mandate you have to have a CDL… you are now a commercial driver… If you are going in the pursuit of money, hence any jackpot, any purse… if you’re taking your child to a livestock auction for FFA, you are in the pursuit of money and now you fall under the ELD mandate… you have to have a USDOT number. Also for any kind of recreation, if you’re hauling motorcycles, racecars… that doesn’t work anymore. You have to have a CDL… Also the prices of goods may go up but its deeper than that.”

“We are not killers,” Delaney continues, “but we no longer have a choice. We have to purchase our electronic logging devices off of a private market.. and the government will then check the devices…. Kind of like an ankle bracelet for a criminal…. And they don’t even write our paychecks so it’s a little bit of a gripe for all of us.”

“You don’t think it applies to you but it applies to you… it applies to the general public,” she added.

With the ELD mandate only days away, some truckers and lawmakers are urging President Trump to stop the ELD mandate in the only way currently possible — by issuing an executive order.

As of 4 p.m. on Thursday, December 14th, no word has come from President Trump regarding the possibility of an executive order postponing the ELD mandate.

Check out Delaney’s video below.