A Kentucky trucker is warning people to keep their cool out on the roadways after being shot at by a pickup driver while traveling along the interstate.

The incident happened on Friday, April 13th near Olive Hill, Kentucky.

According to Lex 18 News, trucker Stephen Cantrell says he was on his regular route, traveling Highway 64 on his way to Cincinnati, Ohio when a red Chevy pickup cut him off a brake checked him several times. Cantrell then decided he needed to get away from the erratic driver and began to pass him. As he was doing so, Cantrell heard a concerning sound and pulled over only to realize gunshots had blown out his passenger side window and a tire.

Cantrell discovered a total of four bullet holes in his truck and says he can’t believe that someone would fire a gun over something so trivial.

“I’m just trying to make a living like everybody else, and some idiot like this decides he’s going to shoot my truck up because he’s P’d off?” he said.

Kentucky State Police are still investigating the incident, but Cantrell says that he is now carrying a gun with him over-the-road for the first time in 26 years.