A Kansas State Trooper responsible for saving the life of a truck driver was given an Award for Valor by the Governor this week.
Back in February of this year, Trooper Raul Carrillo was driving along the Kansas Turnpike near El Dorado, Kansas when he saw a semi truck flip across several lanes of traffic and land in a fiery blaze. Carrillo immediately stopped his vehicle and ran to the wrecked rig, where he says he saw flames inside the cab and heard the truck driver yelling for help. Carrillo then grabbed the driver and pulled him through the shattered windshield, dragging him to safety, reported The Wichita Eagle.
Both Carrillo and the unnamed truck driver sustained serious injuries in the incident, but have since made full recoveries, and Carrillo has even returned to active duty as a Kansas State Trooper.
Carrillo was awarded the Governor’s Award for Valor on Thursday, April 12th for “acts of heroism demonstrating exceptional bravery under circumstances involving risk of severe personal injury or loss of life to either the employee or another person.”
“Technical Trooper Carrillo acted in a truly heroic manner,” said Col. Mark Bruce, superintendent of the Kansas Highway Patrol.
“He rose above and beyond the call of duty, risking his own life to save another, bringing great credit to the Kansas Highway Patrol and to himself. I could not be more proud of him.”
Check out the video of Trooper Carrillo running to the rescue below.