A trucker opposed to the current HOS regulations, as well as the upcoming ELD mandate, recently published a video that’s gone viral across social media.
Truck driver Shelli Conaway posted her video titled “To my non trucking family and friends,” as a way to explain to the public why current HOS regulations and the upcoming ELD mandate are unfair to truckers.
“Imagine you’re a small business owner… you know how many hours a day you put in at your business to make it successful… Truck drivers are the same. Imagine the government coming in and saying, ‘I think you should only work 11 hours a day,’” Conaway explained.
“It doesn’t matter if you stopped during the day to go to your child’s Christmas program or if you stopped and had lunch…. when that clock runs out you have to go to bed… whether you’re tired or not, whether you still had things to do for your business.”
“Let’s just add insult to injury,” she continues. “Then the government says, ‘we don’t trust you, we think you’ll lie… so we’re gonna put an electronic tracking device on you.”
Conaway concludes the video with a call to action, urging viewers to write their congressman to support Brian Babin’s bill, HR 3282, the ELD Extension Act of 2017, which will delay the ELD mandate by 2 years and allow the government more time to research the subject.
“Let the government look at the real reasons for highway safety…. Let’s find a happy medium.”
Check out Conaway’s video below.