A semi truck overturned Sunday after the driver claims she experienced a “sneezing fit” while talking to Siri as she drove.

The accident happened on June 3rd in Lake County, Indiana.

According to Indy Star News, 55-year-old Julie Duncan was operating her semi tanker truck in the left lane of a construction zone as she held her phone to give Siri directions. As Duncan was speaking into the phone, she went into what she described as a “sneezing fit.” When Duncan was able to look up, she noticed she was going to hit some construction barrels and swerved to avoid them, which shifted the rig’s load of cleaning solution and caused the truck to overturn.

Luckily, Duncan was not injured in the crash but cleanup of the incident did take several hours as crews worked to offload the liquid cleaning solution before the big rig could be up righted.

Duncan received a citation for unsafe lane movement following the accident.