It seems like the list of things that driver’s need to look out for while traveling on the highway just keeps getting longer and longer. Last month a driver’s windshield was destroyed by mud, and another’s by a flying roof.

But here’s a new one (and something you probably would not have thought possible). Reddit user marek4792 posted the following images after his semi truck’s windshield was shattered by the base of a traffic cone.

Yes, a traffic cone base.


The view from inside.


Here’s how it happened according to the driver’s Reddit post.

You’re strolling down WB I80 right by the TA at Ft Bridger, Wyo in a two lane workzone when suddenly a traffic cone base gets launched by a passing truck on the EB side and knocks on your hood before going through your passenger side windshield..

The final resting spot of the base.


The lesson? You never know what to expect next when you spend a majority of your time on the road. Thankfully, the driver made it out of this one just fine.