A clearly labeled bridge in Milwaukee has taken out its second semi truck in less than seven days, stumping both citizens and officials.

The bridge in question is in the Walker’s Point neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and was most recently struck on Thursday, July 12th.

According to TMJ4 News, the bridge is owned and used by the railroad and crosses over Kinnickinnic Avenue, boasting large yellow signs stating the bridge’s posted height – 12 feet 9 inches, a height that is actually several inches shorter than the true height of the bridge.

The bridge’s most recent encounter with a semi truck left the big rig overturned in the middle of the road, blocking traffic. Luckily no one was hurt and the semi truck was not seriously damaged.

“It’s kind of crazy how they keep doing it. It just keeps happening,” said Ryan Mueller, a witness to the incident.

“When I seen the police up there I automatically knew what happened,” added Greg Burks, another witness.

Since the incident, city workers have come out to inspect the bridge. The bridge was found to be structurally sound, and was even re-confirmed by the city workers to be several inches taller than the posted height.

“As you can see there’s a sign posted right there the height of the bridge. There’s a sign on Maple letting people know the height of the bridge and even though the sign says 12 feet 9 inches it’s actually higher than that. We give an extra leeway just in case,” said city council member Tony Zielinski.