A semi truck hauling metal traffic signs and cones blocked traffic after breaking in half from the weight in Vermont on Thursday.

The incident happened on the morning of June 14th in Burlington, Vermont.

According to the Burlington Free Press, the semi truck was traveling south on the Vermont 2A Highway when the weight of the load caused the trailer’s frame to buckle and crack in half.

None of the load was spilled and no one was hurt in the incident, but the road did suffer some damage.

“There were no injuries, just a two hour plus inconvenience to the motoring public here in Williston,” said town Police Chief Patrick Foley.

“It was just a time-consuming effort to unload and then load another truck,” he continued.

Traffic was blocked in the southbound lanes of the 2A near Marshall Avenue as crews worked to clear the trailer form the roadway.

The trailer is to be inspected by the Department of Motor Vehicles.