Residents of a town in Utah are becoming “increasingly frustrated” about the conversion of a lot previously used as a chain up area into a parking lot and rest area for truckers.
The area can be found near the Bell’s Silver Creek gas station in Park City, Utah and was used strictly for chain-up in bad weather for the last 20 years but now, Utah Department of Transportation has repaved the space and voiced its plans to create around 40 truck parking spots, add signage, and install a gate to allow for truckers to utilize the space for parking and resting.
“We wanted to make sure they can chain up or get out and stretch,” said UDOT public information officer John Gleason.
“The location is ideal because it is at the intersection of two major highways: U.S. 40 and Interstate 80.”
Despite the logical location and the importance of the rest area in regard to truck safety, residents of the nearby Silver Creek neighborhood say that the location has them worried about the proximity of the nearby school bus stop, and the possibility of increased criminal activity, reported the Park Record.
“It’s in the best interest of safety for Parleys Canyon,” Gleason continued.
“We don’t really anticipate it changing much. It is already an area that is attractive to truck drivers. We haven’t had any problems there. The main difference is that there was no regulation before,” he added, but now, with the areas conversion into an official truck rest area, rules and regulations, such as the 24-hour-limitations, will start to be enforced.
“It is tough because they needed something pretty close to Parleys Summit and anything in close proximity is going to be in an area that affects residential communities. It’s the worst location and the best location. It depends on your perspective,” said County Council Chair Kim Carson.
UDOT has agreed to add improvements to the area, such as lighting, a buffer between neighborhood and parking lot, air monitors, a drainage system, and even tasteful landscaping, as a way to placate the still-upset residents of the area.
County Council says that they will reevaluate the plan and parking area in May to see if UDOT has appropriately complies with their requests and concerns.