A semi truck took a turn too fast and flipped in the middle of an intersection on Tuesday, causing a nine vehicle pile up crash.

The accident happened on April 17th in Greeley, Colorado.

According to Fox 31 Denver, the J.R. semi truck was hauling fracking water eastbound on the Highway 34 bypass when it began to turn right. Police say that the semi truck was traveling too fast when it took the turn, tipping the rig and sending it sliding into the intersection where it caused a pile up of eight more vehicles.

Some of the motorists involved sustained minor injuries in the crash, but none were considered life threatening.

When asked, the truck driver, Cesar Trevico-Rason, provided officers with an ID from Chihuahua, Mexico, an international driver’s license, and a Mexican Consulate ID, but lacked a local driver’s license. Because of this, Trevico-Rason was arrested because he was “new to the community and wasn’t identifiable.”

Trevico-Rason was then taken into custody where he is being held until police are sure US Immigration and Customs Enforcement are not involved. He is facing several traffic-related charges from the crash.