Police say that a truck driver fell asleep at the wheel, causing him to plow through two homes in Washington Wednesday.

The accident happened outside of Colfax, Washington on July 18th at approximately 8:15 a.m.

Moscow-Pullman Daily News reports that the 41-year-old truck driver was hauling toilet paper along State Route 26 near milepost 131 with his wife napping in the back when he fell asleep. The 2018 Heartland tractor trailer then left the roadway, drove down a hill, through a house, down another hill, and into another house, coming to a stop in what was left of the second home.

Two vehicles parked outside the homes were damaged in the incident and furniture, clothes, dishes, and other household items were left strewn across the grass along with broken glass and crumbled drywall.

The unnamed truck driver and his wife were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment of minor injuries and were released from the hospital later that evening. Miraculously, no one inside either of the houses damaged in the accident was injured. In fact, one of the resident of the houses was mowing his lawn at the time of the accident, a fact that may have saved his life.

“Luckily, the owner was not inside watching TV or something because he probably wouldn’t be here,” said Trooper Brandon Kendall, who responded to the scene.

Information regarding citations issued to the truck driver in the wake of the accident, if any, has not been released.