Officers of the Nevada Highway Patrol recently hit the road in a custom big rig and ticketed 70 motorists for driving dangerously around trucks.

It happened on Wednesday, September 27th in Las Vegas, Nevada.

According to KTNV, the Nevada Highway Patrol scouted the 215 Beltway in their own, special fitted big rig, looking for motorists driving recklessly around their semi truck and others.

The rig is equipped with all the fittings of a regular patrol car and is part of NHP’s “Badge on Board Operation,” aimed at keeping all drivers safe and reducing the number of crashes involving tractor trailers. The semi trailer has an image of a NHP patrol car and the words “WARNING: Give trucks space or get a ticket” across the side.

“Semis are heavy,” said a Nevada Highway Patrol officer.

“Everything takes longer with a semi, stopping, everything… so they need to be able to judge their distances and everything, so if someone cuts them off it can be catastrophic,” he continued.

During the patrol, if an officer in the rig noticed a driver committing a violation, they would call it in to dispatch, and a marked patrol car would pull the vehicle over and issue a citation if needed.

During Wednesday’s “Badge on Board” operation, 70 citations were issued to motorists found driving recklessly around semi trucks.

This isn’t the first time the NHP has patrolled the highway in a big rig. Back in March, NHP officers took to the road in an unmarked semi, blending in with traffic and catching motorists committing all kinds of violations, including texting and driving and traveling the wrong direction on a one-way road.

NHP officers hope that the “Badge on Board Operation” will discourage drivers from texting on the road, and educate them on the importance of driving carefully around semi trucks.