A motorist was caught on a trucker’s dash cam nearly flipping off an elevated highway after she cut off his semi truck in San Antonio, Texas.

The video was posted to Youtube by Oleg Mandrykin on Saturday, November 18th and has since gotten over 7,000 views.

In the clip, a dark SUV turns on its blinker in an attempt to move into the left lane in front of the semi truck. However, instead of waiting for an appropriate time switch lanes, the motorist tests his luck and loses — clipping the front of the semi and losing control before nearly going over the guardrail.

The SUV eventually comes to a stop in the middle of the highway, fully upright but definitely damaged.

Luckily, no one seems to have been hurt in the incident, but the maneuver left viewers wondering what the motorist could have been thinking.

“Why do people think just because they turn their blinker on it gives them a clear path to get over?” wrote one Youtube user.

“What an idiot,” wrote another.

Check out the footage of the incident below.