A semi truck went off a bridge in California on Thursday morning after the driver followed his GPS through some unfamiliar back roads.

The incident occurred on May 17th at approximately 4:45 a.m. in Dayton, California.

According to the Chico Enterprise Record, the trucker, who has declined to use his name, was hauling an empty shipping container from Oakland to a manufacturing plant in Chico, California when his GPS led him down some back roads on a route he’d never driven before. As he traveled along Ord Ferry Road, the truck driver looked down at his phone, and that’s when his truck hit the bridge curb and rolled off the edge, falling down an embankment.

“It was so dark, and I was thinking, ‘Where am I?’” said the unnamed driver of the incident.

“I looked down at the GPS and then the right tire exploded. It was all so fast.”

Luckily, the driver was not hurt in the incident, but the tractor trailer’s fuel tank was ruptured in the fall, spilling 75 gallons of diesel fuel.

Crews worked to retrieve the rig from the ravine, as well as clean up the wreckage, for several hours. The incident has since been cleared.

It is not clear what citations, if any, were issued in the incident.