A Kansas Highway Patrol Trooper recently posted a video explaining to motorists one of the most basic skills of driving – how to merge onto a highway without disrupting the flow of traffic.

The video was posted over the weekend by Kansas Highway Patrol Spokesman Trooper Ben, and has since gone viral across Twitter, Facebook, and even local news stations.

“It’s called an acceleration lane people,” Ben says as the clip opens.

“When you get onto the interstate you have to accelerate to be at the same speed that people are traveling on the interstate,” he continued.

“I’m not telling you to jack up your speed and go way above the speed limit, don’t do that, but I need you to be going the speed limit as you merge into traffic because it totally jacks everyone up that’s in the lanes traveling down the road.”

“Be safe, wear your seat belt, and accelerate on that ramp to get on the interstate system. Not over the speed limit, but what everyone else should be traveling on that road,” Trooper Ben said as he closed the video.

The Trooper’s advice has left many viewers voicing their own opinions about motorists who could use a driving lesson or two.

“It’s the merging vehicles responsibility to blend in traffic not the vehicles on the interstate to take action for you to enter the interstate,” said one.

“Common sense tells you accelerate to the speed of the road you’re getting on from the on ramp but sadly most people lack common sense,” said another.

“He should do a video about proper usage of the left lane for all of those Sunday drivers impeding traffic. I would share it everywhere,” added a third.

Check out Trooper Ben’s informative video below!