An over-the-road female truck driver is using her Youtube channel to reveal what she calls the “truth about trucking” as a woman driver.

Truck driver Brittney Nicole Richardson is a self-proclaimed Ghost Hunter, Tornado Chaser, Thrill Seeker, Rescue Worker, and YouTuber who began her journey as a trucker more than six years ago.

“I got into truck driving because it was an opportunity to make a good living and be independent…, I feel this is a great industry to be in, ” Richardson explained to ABC News.

“After revealing my plans to attend truck school, I was told by guys I knew that I’d never make it in trucking and that ‘it’s a man’s job.’ That only encouraged me to work harder and show them up.”

Richardson worked to get her CDL, secured a trucking position and, in April of 2014, started her very own Youtube channel, showcasing the thrilling, terrifying, and heartwarming moments that come with being an over-the-road trucker, particularly as a woman.

“It’s definitely different in an industry that is predominantly male,” she continued.

“As a woman, I often get overtalked or ignored if there is another man talking…. But I can put on a little female charm and say something funny to instantly get their attention back.”

Besides the social intricacies of navigating the trucking industry as a woman, in her Youtube channel, Richardson frequently explains the dangerous reality that is being a woman in trucking.

“Truck stops and rest areas can be dangerous enough as is but as a female, I find myself even more of a target,” she says.

“If there is one piece of safety advice I’d give in this industry, it’s ‘Keep your head on a swivel.’ If you think someone is following you, don’t be afraid to lock eyes with them and let them know you see them and will not be an easy target.”

“Don’t walk between trucks if possible at night,” she continued.

“Stay out in the open where everyone can see you. In my experience, the far majority of drivers I meet these days are former police, fire and military. They do watch out for the women out here because of the higher safety risk we face. Chances are if you get attacked in the open, somebody will drive by or see it as many truckers sit and watch from the truck while they are drinking their midnight or early morning coffee.”

All in all though, Richardson says the biggest hassle she has to face on a regular basis is other drivers asking her out on dates.

“The biggest thing is getting asked out a lot by drivers. But once again, that is where being polite and direct has helped tremendously,” Richardson said.

“I always thank them and say I’m flattered but let them know I’m currently taken. Sometimes I’ll even joke and say I’ll add them to the waiting list and that usually gets a laugh. They drop it 99.9 percent of the time without getting upset because I wasn’t rude about it.”

You can check out Richardson’s videos on her Youtube channel here.