An unattended semi truck went crashing through a home in Washington on Monday, narrowly missing a group of children playing in the home’s driveway.

The incident occurred on the afternoon of June 18th in Edmond, Washington.

According to KOMO News, Karen Cooper, owner of the home damaged in the incident, was out in the yard with four of her grandchildren while a fifth napped in the house when she suddenly noticed a semi truck barreling towards her house.

“I heard the clang coming down the hill. By the time it got to that driveway, I said he can’t stop, he can’t stop. Get out!” Cooper said.

Luckily, Cooper and her older grandson Ian Fleshman-Cooper were able to guide the children out of the way just as the semi truck went crashing through the front of the house.

“I was worried about the driver. I thought he was dead because I couldn’t see him. Then these construction workers came driving down the street and said there’s no driver, there’s no driver,” Cooper continued.

Upon investigation, the Edmonds Police Department found that the semi truck had been parked at a nearby home to pick up a piece of equipment from a residential construction project when the big rig began to roll along Viewland Way towards Olympic Avenue, eventually rolling into Cooper’s yard and crashing through her home.

Some diesel fuel was spilled in Cooper’s yard as a result of the crash and Olympic Avenue was shut down as crews worked to clear the wreckage, affecting child pick up at a nearby elementary school, but Cooper and her grandchildren say they are just happy everyone made it out alright.

“The timing of it. It was really God that was here. For me to come and to be out and to be in position. Just to be in position, we were all in the right place at the right time,” added Fleshman-Cooper.