A trucker’s dash cam recently captured a close-call with a pickup truck that was driving on the wrong side of the highway.

The video was posted to Youtube by user Seth Hensel, who wrote “playing chicken with an 18 wheeler.”

In the clip, the semi truck can be seen traveling along a 2-lane stretch of highway, when cars ahead begin swerving out of the way.

A wrong way pickup truck then comes into view and drives straight towards the oncoming big rig.

The truck driver was able to react quickly, slightly veering to the right to avoid a collision with the oncoming pickup.

Luckily, no one seems to have been hurt in the incident, but the clip has left viewers concerned about the intentions of the pickup driver.

“Did you send this in to the police?” commented on Youtube user.

“I bet my money on attempted suicide,” said another.

Check out the video of the incident below.