A dash-cammer recently captured footage of a tractor trailer’s oversized load snagging power lines and pulling a utility pole to the ground.
The incident was recorded on November 17th in Northwest Calgary in Alberta, Canada.
“Check out the impressive arcing as this high load takes down a couple of utility poles. Happened around 3:00PM on Nov 17 in NW Calgary. Not a fun way to end Friday afternoon for a bunch of people no doubt,” wrote the dash-cammer.
The clip, which was posted on Reddit.com, left some viewers wondering about the cause of the incident.
Some speculated that the power lines were shorter that usual.
“Looks like the line crossing the road was too low, maybe due to ice?” wrote one user.
Others, however, wondered how such an incident could happen with a pilot vehicle guiding the oversize load.
“How does this happen when you have pilot and follow vehicles. I’d assume they planned a route but i guess not,” wrote another.
Thankfully, it doesn’t appear that anyone was injured in the incident.
Check out the footage below.