Walmart Honors Truck Driver
Walmart recently honored Truck driver Chris Darling for his accomplishment of over 3,000,000 safe miles.
Just to put that in perspective that's 250k more miles than the circumference of the sun (which is about 2,713,406 miles) or driving to the moon from earth about 12.5 times (average distance from Earth to Moon is 238,857 miles.
Sticking with their tradition for 3...
Truckers on the road receiving warm holiday meals.
We all know that a life on the road can cause us to miss important events and family holidays. Missing Christmas dinner, for many, is one of the realities of being a CDL trucker.
However, a group called 'Meal for 18 Wheels' has created a program to encourage people to "adopt a trucker" and deliver a meal to him or...