Driving on wet roads is dangerous enough without the added threat of motorists looking to cash in on their insurance.

A trucker was making his way along the damp city streets of New York when a white Mazda sedan pulls up alongside him at a stoplight.

According to footage captured by the truck’s dash cam, the light turns green and the pair accelerates when suddenly, the Mazda pulls in front of the tractor trailer in the middle of the intersection and slams on his brakes.

The truck tries to stop in time but is unable to avoid bumping the other vehicle.

The Mazda then pulls over to the side of the road and the truck driver exits the cab of his truck, gesturing angrily at the motorist. The two speak for a moment on the street before returning to their vehicles.

The truck driver then pulls to the side of the road to avoid blocking traffic when a quick police siren can be heard.

“I just hit that guy,” explains the trucker to a police officer off screen.

“He came in front of me to make a left turn and he couldn’t make the left.”

The trucker waits in his cab for a moment, awaiting instructions from the officer.

“Alright, he said everything is good,” the officer tells the trucker.

“When he found out I had a camera he said ‘forget it’ ’cause he knows what he did,” the truck driver explains off screen.

Check out the full video here.  (Note: The action occurs around the 1:20 mark.)