Eight Bengal tigers were removed from the back of a wrecked tractor trailer Monday after the rig hydroplaned and jackknifed, taking it out of service.

The accident happened on May 14th at approximately 11:50 p.m. in Monitor Township. Michigan.

Bay County Sheriff’s Deputies say that the semi truck hauling tigers was heading south on Interstate 75 at the Wilder Road connector when, due to rain and stormy conditions, the tractor trailer hydroplaned, causing the rig to leave the roadway, drive onto a grassy median, and jackknife.

Police were informed that the big rig was hauling animals but were not aware what species until they opened the back of the trailer to reveal eight, 600 pound Bengal tigers, unhurt in their cages.

Luckily, none of the tigers or the driver were hurt in the crash, and none of the animals escaped. They were soon transported to a nearby towing company, where they were held overnight before being picked up by another tractor trailer that hauled them to their destination.

According to MLive, the Tigers are owned by an unspecified circus company and were on their way to New York at the time of the crash.