A woman was struck by a tractor trailer after purposely jumping off a bridge in Florida over the weekend.

The incident happened on Sunday, June 3rd at around 1:30 p.m. in Hillsborough County, Florida.

According to the Orlando Sentinel, witnesses initially called police when they noticed a woman sitting on a bridge crossing Interstate 4 with her feet dangling off the side.

Before police could arrive, the woman apparently jumped, landing on southbound I-4, suffering fatal injuries before then being struck by an oncoming semi truck.

The incident shut down a portion of the interstate, backing up traffic for nearly five hours, but has since been cleared.

Police are still working to identify the woman, described as an African American between the ages of 16 and 25, standing 5 foot, 6 inches tall and weighing between 140 and 150 pounds.

The truck driver, who has not been identified, is not facing any charges in the investigation.