There have been some bizarre truck accidents lately, like the one about a shark ejected onto a highway after a semi blew a tire, or the truck that overturned and let hundreds of pigs loose; but this one may be the most bizarre of them all.

Facebook user Martin Timke recently shared this video to one of our favorite Facebook pages, Twisted Truckers, showing a semi truck nearly running over the last animal that you’d ever expect to see as roadkill — a fish.

According to Timke, he was headed down to a gravel pit in what appears to be a heavily flooded road.  The driver pulled out his phone to record the intense road conditions and captured a fish narrowly escaping impact with the front of his rig.

We haven’t checked the history books on it, but if he did make impact, it would have probably been the first time a semi truck ever struck a fish.

We can only imagine what we’ll see next.