A tractor trailer overturned, spilling trash on the roadway, after the truck driver swerved to avoid a wrong-way motorist on the highway.
It happened on Tuesday afternoon, around 1:15 p.m., in Muhlenberg Township, Pennsylvania.
According to local WFMZ news, the truck overturned after its driver swerved to avoid a female motorist who was driving the wrong way on Route 222.
Although the accident happened in Muhlenberg Township, police say the motorist was traveling the wrong way for at least 10 miles, as they also received calls from concerned motorists in neighboring Spring Township.
The truck’s cab was destroyed when the rig overturned, and its load of trash was spilled along the roadway.
The motorist failed to stop at the scene of the accident and continued driving the wrong way on Route 222.
Police were able to stop her near the Walmart on Allentown Pike in Muhlenberg Township.
The truck driver suffered only minor injuries in the accident.
“This tractor trailer might have hit her head on, which would have been real bad for everybody involved,” said Sgt. Joel Marino of the incident.
All lanes of northbound Route 222 were shut down for over an hour as crews worked to pick up the trash. All lanes have since been reopened.
Marino says that the wrong way motorist is still “being evaluated.”