An Illinois Walmart has racked up almost $20,000 in fines from the city for allowing semi trucks to stay in their parking lot.

The Walmart Supercenter, located at 1100 Lejune Drive in Springfield, Illinois began receiving fines for the parked tractor trailers back in November, after the city noticed a continuous flow of semi trucks parking in the lot.

“At no point during the plan review and permitting process did Wal-Mart submit a plan indicating the use of their parking lot spaces by semi-traffic for extended periods of time,” read the notice issued to the Walmart location.

According to the State Journal-Register, the city also says that semi trucks parking in the lot are a hazard to other motorists leaving and entering the lot, as the trucks apparently block visibility, and that, back in June, Walmart originally told city officials that security and towing services would be hired to make sure semi trucks didn’t stay in the lot, but that the promise was never fulfilled.

The Walmart racked up $500 a day in fines from November 8th until December 13th, when they turned in a new parking plan to the city of Springfield. The 35 days of $500 fines, plus $565 in extra fines added up to a total of $18,065 in charges against the Walmart location.

The city of Springfield is still looking over Walmart’s new parking plan, making adjustments before a administrative court judge looks over the plan and decides on the final price of the fine, but for now, the city recommends Walmart apply for a permit and re-stripe the parking lot in a way that would maintain the amount of spaces required by the city while accommodating larger spots for parked tractor trailers.

The final assessment hearing has been set for March 21st, 2018.