Think you’ve experienced dangerous road conditions? Too many potholes? Icy roads? Well you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Meet Bolivia’s Yungas Road, unofficially dubbed ‘The Death Road’.
The Death Road is a 10 feet wide, 38 mile stretch of dirt and gravel winding around the mountain side that leads into La Paz, Bolivia’s capital.
As narrow as it is, it’s an important route for truck drivers as there is high demand for the goods coming out of La Paz.
Yungas Road got it’s nickname due to the 300-400 lives it claims per year. With no guardrails, no paved roads, and a 2,000 foot drop to the bottom, it’s definitely an appropriate nickname.
What makes the Death Road especially dangerous is the fact that it’s a one lane road with two way traffic.
In the event of oncoming traffic, the vehicle going downhill is required to pull over the edge of the road, overlooking the seemingly endless drop, and allow the uphill vehicle to pass. Many times, the downhill vehicle’s wheels are just an inch or two from going over the edge.
Being one of the world’s most dangerous roads actually causes some thrill seekers to journey to Bolivia to bike around this treacherous winding path. But for truck drivers that are required make the journey on a daily basis, it’s all work and no play.
So remember, the next time you’re upset about road conditions, just be thankful that you’re route doesn’t pass through Death Road.