The “Dancing Trucker” is spreading joy along the streets of Hamilton, Ohio once again, but this time he’s dressed as Santa Clause and collecting toys for charity.

John Drury, a 6-foot 7-inch, 350 pound man otherwise known as “The Dancing Trucker” began dancing in front of the Historic Butler County Courthouse in Hamilton, Ohio as a way to get exercise and put smiles on the faces of people passing by. However, on Wednesday, November 29th, Drury did more than just dance – he donned a Santa suit and encouraged the residents of Hamilton to come out to the courthouse to donate toys for children in need.

According to WHIO 7, Drury began collecting toys for the St. Vincent de Paul’s Angels for Toys program earlier in the week, but after collecting only 30 donations, he decided to step it up a notch and invite people to bring toys to the courthouse while a jolly ‘Santa’ performed dance moves.

“Look at how Hamilton has turned out tonight… It’s all for the needy children out there who need to feel loved,” Drury said as he danced with local children and collected 100s of toys.

“All of these toys are going to needy children. Thank you Hamilton, Ohio. All of these people in this beautiful city took time out to drop off a toy. I am really touched. They are all angels tonight. It ain’t me, I didn’t spend a dime, it’s them!”

Soon, Drury’s bags were overflowing with toy donations.

“There are a lot of people in Hamilton that are struggling right now and they might not have the money to give a toy, but they do give a smile… It is a win-win either way,” Drury added.

“People are saying Merry Christmas instead of happy holidays,” he continued.

“You can tell the Christmas spirit is strong.”

Over 100 toys were donated in just a few hours and will be delivered to the St. Vincent de Paul’s Angels for Toys program just in time for Christmas.