A truck driver recently made a plea to the rest of the industry, as well as gov’t officials. His message: “Let us park where we feel safe.”

In the video, trucker Ernesto Gutierrez Jr discusses a recent situation in North Carolina, where a wealthy donor allegedly influenced a politician to crack down on sleeping truckers.

“How in the hell are we suppose to find a safe place to park or get a good night’s sleep when we have folks who never slept in a truck somehow able to influence policy and lawmakers” he says.  “We got folks out here dying because we can’t find a safe place to park”

His solution for the solving problem is simple, let truckers park wherever they feel safe. This includes retail shopping centers, shippers and receivers facilities, shopping malls, and anywhere were they can safely rest.

While it’s highly unlikely that government officials hear his complaints and allow truckers to park anywhere, the idea of getting lawmakers to even look at the severe parking shortage is a step in the right direction.

“I hope we can find a solution where everyone on these interstate can get home safely,” he closes with.

You can follow the Ernesto’s Professional Truckers Association Group on Facebook for more.

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