With the rise of social media, there’s an endless stream of trucking mistakes, semis getting stuck under bridges, and a certain mega-carrier getting into a large amount of wrecks. However, something that we don’t see enough of are videos highlighting the humanity and selflessness of the “knights of the road.”
One truck driver recently recorded himself after stopping at a McDonald’s in Pennsylvania, but the clip hasn’t been seen by anyone — until now.
We stumbled across the footage, and instantly knew that this is the side of a professional trucker that the public needs to see more of.
The video hasn’t gone viral. The driver hasn’t shared it on any large trucking groups or pages. As a matter of fact, it’s only been viewed 33 times.
The driver who filmed the footage, Tennessee-based OTR driver Matt Woodard, uploaded the video on January 23rd, with the caption:
Everytime I’ve been down and out somehow I’ve always come out of it OK. Candi always said I could fall in sh*t and come out smelling like a rose. Lol here is why and I believe it with all my heart. Everyone of you f*ckers are blessed. Do something tomorrow that makes the world a better place.
Check out the clip below, and if you agree with us, make sure to pass it on to remind the public that the “knights of the road” are still out there — keeping America moving and always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.