Here’s a trucker who’s not afraid to tell it like it is. He calls himself The Boston Truckah. This truck driver is well-known for his hysterical and eye-opening videos about his life on the open road.
In this video, The Boston Truckah gives what he describes as a “public service announcement.” He begins by explaining the reason why he drives a truck. It’s not some sort of scenic joy ride around the country. He does it because he has to—he’s providing a service. As the trucker puts it, “Stuff had to get done, and without me, it doesn’t get done.”
But day after day, this trucker faces the same situation. There is simply no respect for truckers on the road. He explains, “The only people who like us truckers are 6-year-old boys…and the rest of you f***ing hate us.” Motorists cut him off, don’t let him onto the highway, and don’t let him change lanes on a constant basis. He’s even dealt with outright harassment.
Then, with a dumbfounded expression, he exclaims, “Don’t you realize that everything you own came off a truck?” Truckers are the backbone of our nation, and without them, our society would quickly crumble.
On behalf of all truckers, he says he just wants the ability to get the job done. Is it really that much to ask?
And as he so eloquently puts it, “Give us a little respect, please. And thank you. Oh, and go f*** yourself.”
Well, someone had to say it…