A trucker recently appeared on Fox News to discuss his thoughts of the current regulatory environment in the trucking industry.

Truck driver Matthew Garnett appeared on Fox & Friends on September 21st for a 4-minute piece on what he calls ‘Big Brother’ regulations.

Garnett was invited on the show by Fox after an article of his, named “Truck Driver: ‘Overregulation’ Means Government Literally Deciding When I Work, Eat, And Sleep,” was published in The Federalist.

“I never thought I’d come to a time in my life when ‘Big Brother’ would be watching me 24/7. But then I became a truck driver,” wrote Garnett in his article.

“Every minute of every day is monitored by Uncle Sam, who takes care that I can never make a decision for myself,” he continued.

“There’s no way I can decide for myself when I’m going to sleep or rest or drive. After all, I’m just a stupid truck driver. What would I know about such things?… Even now, as I write, I am being monitored. I am on the “off-duty” line of my logs. If I get pulled over next week by a “diesel bear” (a state trooper dedicated to enforcing FMCSA regs), he’s going to want to know where I was and what I was doing at this very moment, and whether the FMCSA does or doesn’t allow that.”

“If you recall Orwell’s ‘1984’ they have the screens where, you know, ‘Big Brother’ is watching you. I have a version of that in my truck,” Garnett said during the Fox news segment.

“When you guys are in a rush to get to work on time and that sort of thing, that’s kind of how a truck driver feels all the time.”

Check out Garnett’s full interview with Fox News below.