The body of a truck driver was discovered inside of his locked rig at a rest area in Ohio on Tuesday afternoon.
The deceased driver was found on September 11th in Monroe, Ohio at around 12:41 p.m.
According to WHIO News, police officers were called to the scene after the body was discovered at a rest area on Interstate 75 north in Butler County.
“It looks like he fell asleep in his sleeper cab and may have had a medical issue,” said Sergeant Chris Crisafi of the Ohio Highway Patrol’s Hamilton post.
Truck driver found dead in semi cab at I-75 rest area in Butler County https://t.co/m4FHJYXhWs @Richter_Journal #police #Ohio #restarea pic.twitter.com/HoHOdCeYf7
— journalnews (@journalnews) September 11, 2018
Investigating officers did not find any signs of drug use or foul play and believe that the driver may have already been dead for up to two days when his body was discovered inside of the locked big rig.
The drivers name has not yet been released and the semi truck, which was parked on the north side of the rest stop, will be removed by the trucking company.
Portions of the rest stop were closed Tuesday as part of the active crime scene investigation.