A trucker was fired for giving away his load of plywood to citizens desperately preparing for Hurricane Irma.

It happened on Saturday, September 9th at a Home Depot in Zephyrhills, Florida.

According to WTSP, Tim McCrory, a truck driver for Western Express in Nashville, was hauling a load of plywood to a Florida when his truck blew a tire. The blow-out delayed McCrory’s delivery for 7 hours, and he did not arrive in Zephyrhills until the next day, Saturday.

By the time McCrory got to the Home Depot, the store had already shut down in preparation for Hurricane Irma, but customers were still pulling into the parking lot, hoping to gather supplies for the fast-approaching Hurricane.

When he saw the amount of people in need, McCrory began unloading the plywood from his truck and passing it out to anyone who needed it.

“Being an American citizen, that’s what we do,” explained McCrory.

One of the people in need was Tracy Drew, who was searching for wood to secure her house against the storm. McCrory and Drew struck up a conversation and exchanged numbers as McCrory helped Drew with her new plywood. Drew then thanked McCrory for the wood and left to secure her home.

Once his truck was empty, McCrory got back in his truck and headed home to Massachusetts.

Then on Monday, McCrory received a call from his supervisor at Western Express. He was fired.

“I understand his heart…  But the plywood belonged to our customer,” said Paul Wieck, CEO of Western Express. Wieck neither confirmed or denied the firing of McCrory.

Soon after the ordeal, Drew heard about McCrory being fired for such an act of kindness. Drew has since started a GoFundMe account to help McCrory through this difficult time. The two stay in close contact.

McCrory says he still believes he did the right thing and that he would do it again if he had the chance.

You can donate to McCrory’s GoFundMe Account here.