A truck driver has been charged with reckless driving after sideswiping another tractor trailer on Wednesday afternoon, leading to a a 7-vehicle wreck.
The incident happened on December 27th at approximately 3:15 p.m. in Pulaski County, Virginia.
According to WSLS News, a tractor trailer was traveling on Interstate 81 southbound when it side swiped a semi truck in an adjacent lane. The force of the impact sent both semi trucks into the median, stopping the first rig, but the second kept going, causing a crash with 5 passenger vehicles in the northbound lanes before going over the guardrail.
The driver of the first semi truck, 32-year-old Miriam U. Campbell, was not injured in the accident and the second truck driver, who has not been identified, also escaped the crash unhurt.
One person in a passenger vehicle involved in the wreck was flown to a nearby hospital with serious injuries, but they were not considered to be life threatening. Two other people in one of the passenger vehicles were also hurt, but were released from the hospital the same day after the treatment of minor injuries.
The wreck has since bene cleared, and Campbell has been charged with reckless driving.