Police in San Antonio were contacted about a suspicious tractor trailer parked just off the Interstate and arrested the truck driver after glancing inside.

The police report was released on January 3rd, however the incident occurred two days before Christmas, on December 23rd, on the east side of San Antonio, Texas.

According to KSAT, the tractor trailer was parked on Splashtown Drive, just off Interstate 35, and attracted the attention of a passerby who noticed two woman standing outside the trailer and crying.

The witness called police, who arrived at the scene and spotted the crying women as well as “several individuals” inside the open trailer. Police confronted the driver and passenger of the truck, who initially denied any knowledge of the people inside of the trailer.

One of the individuals in the trailer then explained to police that he was from Guatemala, leading officer to place 58-year-old truck driver Herbert Nichols under arrest on suspicion of transporting illegal immigrants.

Nichols, a Houston native, later told police that he had picked up the immigrants from a warehouse in Laredo, and had brought them to San Antonio to be picked up by another driver.

Nichols faces first degree felony charges of smuggling persons into the country, which has a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. As of Wednesday, January 3rd, he remains in custody at the Bexar County Jail and is being held on $75,000 bond.