Truck driver Michael Harris was pulled over by a police officer in Frisco, Texas, earlier this month. He was legally carrying a firearm, but anticipated a problem.
At the time, Harris was accompanied by his 7-year-old daughter, Mikylie.
But when the young girl saw the police officer, she started to cry.
“She’s seen a lot of stories on the news and one time she asked me why black people and white people are killing each other. I didn’t know what to say,” Harris explained.
When Officer Mike Collins saw how upset the little girl was, he took matters into his own hands.
The officer gave little Mikylie a sticker, had her sit in his patrol car and let her play with the lights and siren.
Harris said he never expected the traffic stop to end on such a positive note. So he took to Facebook to share his story.
I knew what it was immediately. So the officer and myself explain to her not all cops or blacks men are bad. So he gives her a sticker and after my overweight ticket he let’s her play with the lights and sirens. Hopefully she won’t think bad things happen when cops are around. And I keep my pistol on my hip the whole hour and half we were there.
Officer Collins was surprised and grateful to find see the kind message.
He explained, “It was priceless. Hearing ‘thank you for doing your job’ meant so much. It’s a pleasure to see someone raising their children so well. It renews your hope in humanity. Mr. Harris is an excellent dad.”
Although this truck driver wasn’t happy about getting a ticket, he was grateful for his daughter’s life lesson.