You know I’m an old trucker from way back in the days of 20 hours and all the bad, but good food. Where you pulled up to a truck stop, and always got the buffet, because for one it was the cheapest, and two you never knew when you were going to get to eat again.
I paid the price with a waist line that would make a pumpkin proud, and where sleeping sitting up was more comfortable than lying down. Yet, through all of that I was lucky in my driving career, because I would never have survived a collision like the one this driver endured.
The driver you see is coming from the opposite direction, and tried to squeeze between the two trucks to avoid hitting another truck head on. It looks like he jumped up and rolled over the dash and out to the ground to avoid striking the windshield head on.
Impressive! So stay fit, trim, and flexible you never know it may save your life one day.