A wrong way motorist traveling without headlights crashed head first into an oncoming semi truck on Monday, killing the motorist and injuring the truck driver.

The accident happened on Monday, November 27th at approximately 2:15 a.m. in Englewood, Ohio.

Early Monday morning, 46-year-old Michael O’Shea was driving his SUV the wrong way on Interstate 70 westbound near the Taywood Road overpass when he side swiped another vehicle before crashing into an oncoming semi truck without a trailer, reported WHIO News.

According to witnesses, the force of the impact sent the tractor veering off of the roadway and into a roadside ditch. The SUV then came to a stop in front of another tractor trailer, causing slight damage to the front of the cab.

“I didn’t see no headlights or anything,” said Jacob Cartwright, a witness to the crash.

“All I saw was…the taillights of the semi just go flying across the road into a ditch,” he continued.

O’Shea was killed in the crash, and the unidentified truckers suffered injuries not believed to be life threatening.

The westbound lanes of I-70 near Taywood road were shut down for several hours as officials worked to clear the debris, but the lanes have since been reopened.

Police are still investigating the exact reason for the crash and the autopsy results have not yet been released. It is not yet known whether drugs or alcohol were involved.