A semi truck driver has been cited after losing control inside a highway tunnel, causing him to strike a wall and rupture the trailer.

The accident happened at the westbound Highway 161 to westbound Highway 270 tunnel in Columbus, Ohio on March 25th.

According to Chief Deputy Jim Gilbert, the tractor trailer hauling paper products was entering the tunnel when it lost control, striking one of the walls of the tunnel. The force of the impact overturned the big rig and ruptured the trailer, strewing the load of paper across the roadway.

The unnamed truck driver suffered only minor injuries in the crash. No other injuries have been reported according to ABC 6 News.

The crane usually used to right overturned rigs in this situation was too tall to fit inside the tunnel, so alternate tow trucks had to be used. This left the roadway shut down for several hours as crews struggled to right the overturned tractor trailer.

The rig has since been righted and the roadway, reopened. The truck driver has been cited for failure to yield and failure to control the vehicle.