When you’re on the road long enough, sometimes the stress of the job (increasing regulations, crazy four-wheelers, untimely shippers and receivers) can get to you and put you in a sour mood. But it’s important to remember the good parts about trucking, the reason why many of us got in in the first place — the amazing scenery, meeting great new people, and traveling to new and beautiful parts of the country we wouldn’t see otherwise.

One truck driver decided to capture the good parts of trucking, and did so while channeling her inner Taylor Swift. Allie Knight uploaded her rendition of Swift’s “Shake It Off” during her breaks and spliced them together with some great scenes from the road in this fun tribute to life on the the road.

To see more “big trucks, open roads, and this weird chick from Boston” (as she puts it), check out Allie’s YouTube channel where she uploads new videos daily showing the lighter side of life as a long-haul trucker.