A truck driver is being held on $205,000 bond after shooting at a vehicle he believed to be following him.
The incident happened on Wednesday, August 30th in Coffee County, Tennessee.
According to Tullahoma News, truck driver Timothy Kepner was driving a tractor trailer on Interstate 24 towards Manchester when he began to suspect a nearby vehicle was following him. Kepner then took exit 97 off of the highway. When the vehicle exited behind him, he fired a shot through the windshield, lodging a bullet in the dashboard.
The car driver then called the police, and an officer met up with the two vehicles at exit 105.
When asked, Kepler denied any possession of a gun. Officers then searched the cab of his truck and discovered a Taurus 9 mm pistol with two loaded magazines.
The driver of the car claimed he was just using exit 97 to get home.
Kepler claimed that he fired the shot because he feared for his safety. He believed the vehicle had been following him.
Kepler was arrested and is currently being held in the Coffee County Jail on $205,000 bond. He faces two counts of attempted criminal homicide and two counts of reckless endangerment.
He is scheduled to appear in court on Monday, September 11th.