A truck driver was cited after veering off the road and crashing into a house in in Wisconsin on on Thursday.
The accident happened on January 4th at approximately 8:55 a.m. in Iron River, Wisconsin.
According to WDIO News, the truck driver was traveling west along Highway 2 near the District Avenue intersection when, for unknown reasons, he drifted into the eastbound lanes, eventually veering off road and crashing through the side of a nearby home. The force of the impact smashed the truck’s cab and knocked down a portion of the house’s front wall.
46-year-old truck driver Jason Earl Murray had to be extricated from the tractor trailer, but sustained only minor injuries. No other injuries were reported.
There was one occupant inside the house at the time of the crash, but she was not hurt. The unidentified woman says she is shaken up from the incident, but is mostly just relived that her children were at school during the ordeal.
“It was crazy. It’s not everyday you see a semi in a house,” said neighbor Rachel Gary.
“It could have been my house!” she added.
Murray has been cited for operating left of center.