The road to becoming a season trucker is a challenging one, here are some tips for new truckers.
Newbie Tip#1: You will get lost.
I gotta let you know up front, you will get lost. Could be a bit, could be a lot, but it’s bound to happen, so be ready. Here are a couple things that could help a rookie driver in the event they get lost.
1. Take it easy, don’t panic. Getting into a frenzy will only get you lost more. Driving in a panic can increase your chances of having an accident, which obviously will make things A LOT worse. Find a place to stop and check your directions.
2. Don’t use Google Maps or a car-based navigation device, unless you know for a face you’re taking the trucking routes. If you use a car-based GPS long enough in a big truck, you will most likely regret it. It won’t be fun to end up driving through a residential subdivision and have to maneuver your rig around while trying to avoid taking some one’s mailbox off. Stay away from the car-based Garmins.
3. Write your route down on a sticky note and tape it to your dashboard or visor where you can check back later. Familiarize yourself with your route as much as possible before and during your trip. This will lessen the chances of you getting lost in the first place.
Newbie Tip#2: Sleep as much as you can before you hit the road!
One of the worst feelings is hitting the road with hundreds of miles ahead of you and feeling like crap because you had a bad night of sleep prior. Getting rest is one of the best preps to help you with safe driving.
If you do get unbearably exhausted while driving, pull the truck over in a safe place and get a few minutes in. Get up, take a walk around the rig, check your tires or lights, do a few push ups or jumping jacks. Do whatever it takes to get the blood flowing!
Whatever you do, please don’t drive if you’re too tired. If the above doesn’t work, pull over and go to sleep for a bit. Anything is better than nodding off while on the road.
Also, don’t abuse coffee or energy drinks. They will slowly lose the effect they have on you, and you will start feeling the crash. It may keep you awake, but you’re alertness can suffer.
Lastly, do not even consider taking anything illegal to keep you going. You will lose your job, and could go to jail.
Newbie Tip#3: Communicate with everyone often and professionally
There will be days when things aren’t going as planned. As a matter of fact, this will often be the case in trucking. Tires blowing up, loading is delayed, electrical systems die, many things can and will happen over your trucking career.
The solution: speak to your manager in a calm, truthful and professional tone. Don’t get to worked up, don’t panic, and don’t get angry.
Make yourself easy to work with and use these situations to develop a relationship with your managers. Use these tough times to show you are a rock, and won’t get frazzled by unfortunate obstacles.
Newbie Truth #4: Take care of yourself, you’re the only one that can. (out on the road)
You must take care of yourself out on the road. You’re working hard out there, so when you can — give yourself a break. Take in some of the tourist attractions you’ve always wanted to see. Go to some of the famous truck stops and look around. Relax and shoot the shit with the other drivers.
This is a long, tough, rewarding journey. It’s easy for Trucking to take a huge toll on your mind and body so make sure you treat yourself when you get the chance. If you keep a positive mental attitude while on the road you will love what you do.
Keep these four idea in mind, especially in your first couple of months. The road to becoming a veteran trucker is not an easy one, but whatever you can do to learn and get a step ahead — take it in, learn, and keep trucking!