Love’s has opened three new travel stops in three different states, adding over 100 truck parking spaces for truckers traveling through the south.

The truck stops were opened in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Texas in the last few weeks, all providing food and other trucking amenities according to the Love’s press releases.

The new Love’s Travel Stop in Pine Buff, Arkansas is located at 4800 U.S. Highway 65 South at the State Route 81 junction. The stop features 74 truck parking spaces, diesel pumps, and showers. The travel stop also hosts a Subway and a Chester’s Chicken.

“With its location along highways 65 and 81 and its proximity to Little Rock, Pine Bluff is a perfect location for a Love’s Travel Stop,” said founder and executive chairman of Love’s, Tom Love.

The new Tennessee Love’s Travel Stop is located in Eastview at U.S. Highway 45 and State Route 57 and features 28 truck parking spaces, public laundry facilities, as well as a Subway restaurant.

In Texas, a new Love’s Travel Stop has opened in Bridgeport at U.S. Highway 380 and County Road 1304. The travel stop has 51 parking spaces, laundry facilities, a game room, and also features an Arby’s.

“The newly built travel stops are strategically placed along busy routes so we can serve professional drivers in areas of need,” said Greg Love, co-CEO of Love’s.

“Eastview is well-positioned between Memphis and Chattanooga, Tennessee; and Bridgeport will serve drivers going to and from the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, area.”