A trucker’s dash cam captured footage of a violent rollover crash. It happened on Wednesday around 11 a.m. along I-10 in Benson, Arizona.

According to an Arizona Department of Safety Press Release, the accident occurred when 23-year-old Briana Disaia of Texas was closely tailgating a pickup truck in front of her. Suddenly, she came across a mattress that was partially covering the left lane. Disaia swerved to avoid hitting the mattress, over-corrected her car, and lost control.

Her car then struck the rear of a semi truck, veered off road, and hit the side of a mountain.

Arizona Dept. of Public Safety
Arizona Dept. of Public Safety

It rolled over and spun across the roadway before landing on its roof.

Arizona Dept. of Public Safety
Arizona Dept. of Public Safety

The Arizona Department of Public Safety reported that the collision might have been avoided if Disaia had left proper space between herself and the pickup. Since she was following so closely behind the other vehicle, she was unable to see the mattress in time to slow down.

Amazingly, no one was injured.

Disaia explained, “I can’t believe no one was hurt, I’m definitely very thankful to have been wearing my seat belt and that my cat was ok.”

Authorities remind drivers to give adequate following distance between other vehicles. Officials added that seat-belts save lives.