In a perfect world, everyone would be responsible, caring, and cautious on the road. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world.
When you’re in a truck for hours on end, you’re bound to run into four wheelers that flat out — do stupid things.
In America however, retaliation is futile, no matter how bad you’d like revenge, the wisest decision is to keep a level head and keep on truckin’.
But in Russia, apparently, the same set of rules don’t apply.
It’s bad enough that this Audi cuts off a driver and smashes on his breaks in an attempted inusrance fraud, but once he flips him the bird, the trucker decides to give him a gentle love tap to remind him he’s messing with the wrong person.
So next time someone flips you the bird, or cuts you off, make sure to keep your cool — but remember that somewhere in Russia a truck driver’s got your back and teaching a reckless four wheeler a lesson.